Thursday, March 31, 2011

Secret Keeper Girl

I bought this about a year ago and have been waiting for the right time to do this with Ashlyn. She turned 10 last month, she is growing in many ways, and so I have decided to start this with her in April.

I know that Ashlyn is closer to Matthew in age, but I always stick her with Carissa, who is 8. They share a room, play together all the time, have the same friends, and so on. She is growing up faster than I would like! As much as I would love them to stay little, time keeps going and they keep growing! Maybe I was waiting to start Secret Keeper Girl for when *I* was ready to admit she isn't so little anymore... *sigh*

She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue. She watches over the affairs of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children arise and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her
Proverbs 31:25-28

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My Scentsy Goal

I am setting a goal for myself for April. My birthday goal, well my goal for my birth month! :D   I want to level up to Lead Consultant. To level up I have to reach about $1500 in sales. I know I can do it! Well, that is what I am telling myself! haha  Positive thinking, right?!

On another note, tomorrow we are going to Raleigh. We're going to Trader Joe's and Harmony Natural Foods. Can't wait! I have been wanting to go for awhile now. 

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Movie Review: Listen to Your Heart

Last night I was waiting for my hubby to get home from work so I was searching through the movies available on Netflix Instant Play. I came across one called Listen to Your Heart.

From Netflix: Struggling musician Danny Foster (Kent Moran) never dreamed he'd fall in love with a woman who couldn't hear his compositions. But when he meets Ariana (Alexia Rasmussen), a privileged girl who lost her hearing in childhood, he's willing to believe anything's possible. As the young couple's love takes hold, however, Ariana's overbearing mother (Cybill Shepherd) proves to be their most vocal critic.

I went ahead and watched it assuming it to be a feel good romantic movie with a meaningful story. Well, it was, but in ways I was not expecting from the movie description. My hubby arrived home to watch about the last 45 minutes with me and he really liked it without even knowing the whole story. 

If you watch it be sure to grab your tissues! Just sayin'...

PS. Another quick movie review.... The Secrets of Jonathan Sperry
The kids and I watched this tonight. Good Christian movie. You will really like it!  

Monday, March 28, 2011


Today I am thankful for being allowed to homeschool my kiddos.

I get to spend all day and night with my kids.
I get to watch them grow, learn, and live life!
I can help them with their struggles and praise them for their acheivements.
I am able to teach them about God and how HE created everything!
I can teach them at the table, in the living room, outside......anywhere!
I get to enjoy my children and not miss any important moments.
I am able to be a mom 100% 24/7. The job I have always wanted and I signed on for with my first child.
I am thankful for homeschooling.