Saturday, July 16, 2011

I Actually Finished Something!

Facebook smileys

I have finished simple things, like scarves, but usually when I work on something bigger I mess up along the way and quit. I did mess up, but I redid some of the work and fixed it. There are some mistakes, but overall I am happy with it :) Now I might be brave enough to make one for someone... lol


  1. How long did it take you?

  2. About 3-4 days of working on it here and there. It probably wouldn't have taken as long if I didn't have to scrounge some of the yarn from an unfinished project lol

  3. Oooh! Pretty! Um...what is it?

  4. It's a baby blanket. Something simple and small, but gives a feeling of accomplishment! :)

  5. It looks so COMFY! I just couldn't tell what it was because the picture leaves no reference for size! Well done!
