Monday, July 18, 2011

Chondromalacia patella

This is what the doctor today told me is wrong with my knee. *sigh*
chondromalacia patella

I start physical therapy sometime soon 2x a week for 4-6 weeks and then back to the doctor in September for a check up. If it isn't any better he said they will want to do a cortisone shot. Ugh!


  1. As oogy as it sounds, the cortisone shot isn't really as bad as one would think. In my experience, it helped quite a bit. It's dependent on how bad your knee is though. It was great when my knee wasn't really bad. When it *was* really bad, the cortisone only lasted about a week. Good luck!

  2. A needle in my knee does not sound appealing. Nope. I will take your word for it :) My knee just recently has continuously been hurting so I am hoping it isn't too bad.

  3. Trust me. If you have to go the route of the cortisone shot, simply lie back and stare at something else while it's being done. Don't look at the syringe/needle! Ask your doctor if he will numb the site first (he should). As long as you aren't looking, your mind can't tell you it hurts. It'll not be as bad. I didn't watch the last one. While not PLEASANT, it wasn't horrible either. My hubby, on the other hand, watched the whole thing and wanted to pass out on my behalf. LOL
