Friday, July 22, 2011

Finally Saw Harry Potter Last Night

It was really good. I would like to see parts 1 & 2 together now and I want to read the book again. Someone I know really needs to read the books, not mentioning any names Alaia or anything.

It was nice getting out with my hubby too ♥


  1. WHAT? You mean you know someone (ahem) who hasn't read the books? I'm shocked!

    Loved the movie!

  2. You haven't read them either, have you? :P I like the movies, but the books are really good. I think y'all need a reading assignment for this year! lol

  3. Hey, I have read them!

    the first 2, anyways... LOL

    Not MY fault the library didn't have it when I went for it. HUMPH!

  4. So defensive when I never mentioned names! hehe

    You just went to the library like 2 days ago, btw! :P

  5. I have read every single one of them several times. All my volumes are so dog-eared from everyone in the family reading them!
